Tyler’s Problem


Dilemma may be a better word.

One evening I lamented to my wife how disappointed I was by the number of female readers who didn’t like Tyler, couldn’t appreciate the difficulties he’d had to endure trying to satisfy his family and stay true to his calling , “Don’t worry about it,” she consoled. “They’ll love hating him.”

Tyler Alexander started out as a young idealistic Law Enforcement Officer (LEO.) In Unfolding: Awakening we learn that prior to his move to Boston and before his awakening, he lost a close friend who was also his mentor in the New York Police Department.

Tyler left New York to look for a better life in smaller community subject to fewer pressures on those who stand between the general population and criminal elements. It was not an easy transition and when confronted by his wife they decided it would be best if they kept separate bedrooms for a while. At the start of Unfolding: Awakening, that decision occurred ten years earlier and the arrangement remains in place.

His search ultimately led him to seek employment in the private sector. Trained to spot and head off trouble he found a woman, Andrea Martin, who recently left a bad marriage and was in need of someone to talk to while she adjusted to her new status in life.

Life being what it is, allowed a mutual attraction to form which culminated in an affair that has continued for eight years.

This is the setting in which Tyler has placed himself as his awakening begins.

Awakened individuals are not necessarily any smarter, or better off than anyone else. They’ve just become more aware. And as Tyler is finding out, put in a position where the barriers he’s erected between different compartments of his life begin to dissolve.

He acknowledges to himself he’s in love with Andrea. Tyler would like to keep things as they are: two women, two relationships., and some way to keep things the same.

His friend Sully said it best when they met at a bar one night, “Tyler, My Brother,” Sully said, as he picked up his change and stood, “Your problem is you don’t know who you are being unfaithful to.”


Stay calm, we’ve all gone through something like this.



Jeffrey A. Limpert


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By Sara Alfred (Sara Alfred)

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