Archive for Human Potential


empathy n. 1. the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be

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Silencing the Mind We first introduced Moojiji one year ago in our post Let’s go back to The Beginning. He

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Your Century

Click Here to view a Larger Image The 21st century  may well lead to the pinnacle of our evolution as

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Paying Attention

Awakenings to the larger realities are not limited to paranormal or spiritual experiences described in the Unfolding Series. Steve Agnos,

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We are of Two Minds

Have you ever felt something unusual? Perhaps it stated as an uncertain feeling or a flicker of awareness on the

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Rich or Poor?

Years ago, Vernon was teaching a prosperity class and invited a few friends including ConiAnn and myself to attend. One

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Good, Evil, Bias, & Virtue

60 Minutes had a great story that aired on Sunday the 19th of November 2012, reporting on studies with babies

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The Way

There is not one way. There are many mental and spiritual disciplines. We can choose to establish or limit our

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Magical Thinking

Magical thinking is a type of causal reasoning or causal fallacy that looks for meaningful relationships of grouped phenomena between

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“What’s it Like Living in a Family of Psychics?”

Andrea, sitting in the backseat of Tyler’s BMW, must have been wondering about this for a long, long time –

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The Firewalk

This is not how it started, nor how the night ended. ____ Before we could walk, we had to build.

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Lessons from Life

There’s a popular belief that we are here on earth to learn lessons. Years ago one of my mentors taught

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Our Human Connection with Nature

People in the more highly developed areas of planet Earth generally don’t bother to think about our connection with nature

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On Writing – Hero or Villain?

One trick that television series use, which I feel is totally unfair, is to draw an audience in by offering

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Healed by Faith

“Some things are imagined, some are possible, and some are meant to be.” ~ Carol in Unfolding: Nexus  Faith can

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Derren Brown: Miracles for Sale

This is our third and final post in our series on the British illusionist Derren Brown we follow him into

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What Happened to My Plan?

The Mayan* and his partner recently visited our home for an evening of conversation. In addition to his study of

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“OK – Let’s Say I’m Interested …

“Is it dangerous?” Define ‘dangerous.’ “Can I be hurt?” Not usually. Your life will change though. That’s what this is

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