
“You’re going to write about me, aren’t you?”

Liz’s* eyes drifted down to her keyboard as she prepared to generate one of the reports I had requested.

“If I did,” I assured, “I’d change things.”

“You’d make it so people didn’t know it was me?”

I nodded, “it is an interesting story.”

Liz raised her head again, allowing me to see through her eyes the emotional highs and lows she feels when thinking about falling in love and the changes it brought into the lives of everyone she cares for. “You know,” she sighed with her sad smile, “any more, I just go with the flow.”


 Psychic awareness may lead to intimate experience, but romance is not a requirement.

Affairs, such as the one Liz lives with, are neither uncommon nor a necessary result of human intimacy – and if the record of history is any guide, it appears no social organization has ever found an equitable and permanent solution. Each of us is left to work out the details by ourselves with those other souls in our lives.

The chemistry of attraction is well documented. The corresponding chemical changes in a person’s body as an unconsciously response are fairly well understood. While we are more than chemical machines, “There comes a point,” as my good friend The Alchemist says, “where the biological programming takes over.”

One piece of advice then is to avoid unwanted situations where the biological programs can result in damage to a person’s existing family and social relationships.

Paranormal, or extrasensory awareness, can take us into deeply emotional states. When placed in a position where there is a mutual attraction, we find most people in today’s world are not prepared.

It’s important to stress that each connection a psychic makes is unique. A person will respond based upon his/her own character and how she/he have been trained. For example, I’ve met a Taoist priest who says reading another’s mind can allow a practitioner to better help the people who come for assistance. He has developed a personal discipline which allows him this degree of closeness without having to become overly involved.


Characters in the Unfolding Series experience these deeper levels of awareness and respond according to their nature. Tyler’s ethical standards, in regards to romantic/physical relations with women, appear to be somewhat “flexible.” However, he is disturbed by the closeness he feels towards Drew. Even harder for him, he must deal with past-life memories where he was a woman and married to Drew.

The degree to which Andrea feels drawn towards the other characters is unclear at the beginning of the series. We know that she trusts Drew, but their relationship appears to be more professional than personal. We learn that she feels safe in the arms of Tyler who is, at the same time, married to someone unsuspecting of the affair. Was the start of their affair anything like what may have happened to Liz?

In contrast Drew, Carol, and Candace represent the development of a more mature and thoughtful response to the emotional forces they were plunged into when Drew and Candace became bound through their kundalini experience. It also helped that Drew and Candace came to think of themselves as brother and sister rather than potential mates. Each of the three, while accepting the closeness that they felt, integrated that truth into their relationships rather than trying to hide it, or choosing a path that would dishonor their existing commitments.

The manner in which Carol and Candice’s husband, Mike, reacted are also worthy of comment. Carol trusted her husband and was rewarded with a richer life for it. Mike was unable to tolerate that Candace had become so close, aware, and caring of Drew; he became suspicious, jealous, and vengeful.

Candace has explained to me that jealousy appears when a person feels insecure and fearful of loss.

In Mike’s mind, he had already lost Candace when, in fact, he was on the verge of becoming closer to her.

She would have preferred to keep her family intact and not have had untrue stories spread, but understands that people and events are placed in our lives for a reason. Candice has the wisdom to know that when we have those special connections with another, it is better to acknowledge them than try to pretend they don’t exist. She reminds me of the quote, “’We are all one… Meaning all of us – even those without a perceivable psychic link.”

My friend Liz accepts her new life. With the breakup of her family and continued association with her lover, she has taken responsibility for her actions. Undoubtedly there are people in the community who have turned their backs on her, however, she and her children still love and support each other. It’s not easy when we find ourselves in this kind of situation and, make no doubt about it, this happens to many people.


Avoiding betrayal is perhaps the most difficult task. One made harder by our unfamiliarity with the strange settings we find ourselves in. So again, if you want to avoid this kind of experience, don’t put yourself on a path that can lead to compromising settings.

A better solution is to practice developing and becoming conscious of your true nature. Then, when you do find yourself in a state of mutual attraction while in a relationship with someone else, you will already know how to act.

As to whether Liz is better now than before is not for us to judge. She has taken responsibility for her part, remains a positive person, and continues to move forward with her life. It is not easy when we find ourselves in these circumstances; but finding ourselves here, we have no excuse to stop living. Like Liz, we must continue on, adapting what we’ve learned and what we’ve become, to move forward and hopefully into a better life.

How important is this intimacy to our daily lives?

 – Submitted for your Consideration –

David Brooks: The social animal

David Books is a well known journalist and political commentator. He begins his talk with several examples of politicians exhibiting a high degree of social awareness before moving into the main body of his talk.

If this makes you uncomfortable, please set your biases aside and listen to his message on human mind interpenetration.



Jeffrey A. Limpert


* Not her real name
A choice which may have ramifications of its own.


David Brooks: The social animal

Additional Reading:
Attraction, Intimacy, and Love

Attraction and Intimacy: Liking and Loving others
The Difference Between Attraction and Chemistry

Image Information:
By Auguste Renoir
By salihigde (Salih IGDE)
68/103 I’ll help you break the walls down
By Alex Bellink


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