On Writing – Daily Practice


Would-be photographers are told, “Take lots of pictures.” Art students are sent off to paint images of bowls of fruit or landscapes that have been done by untold numbers of people before them. Writer’s have to be able to illustrate with words.

But how to begin?

Here is a short piece sent to me personally by N. Roman and reprinted with permission:


N. Roman – I Write Words

I Write Daily

i write daily
sometimes the words on the page
march to the same battle drum
falling in, dress right dress
cadence clear
parade rest.

i write daily
sometimes the words fall disarrayed
and lay on top of one another
hiding between the nouns
timid action words
not wishing to engage.

i write daily
sometimes raging demons fall to stand
do bloody battle with emotional foes
spattering the page with remains
of vanquished fears
upon the white lineless battlefield.

i write daily
sometimes angels land on imagined lovers
kisses whisp through fields
of hyacinth and lily
lay golden in the reeds of passion
sigh forever with content resign.

i write daily
and sometimes the words fall invisibly
the virginal page lays unsoiled
while tempests rattle in my soul
my pen dies silently
inside my trembling palm.

(c) 1986 N. Roman – All rights reserved


Writing every day will improve your skills in many ways:

  • Words will flow more easily once you learn to tap into your creative source.Your technique will become more fluid as your writing begins to define your personality as an author.
  • Your vocabulary will improve.
  • You become technically proficient and will know it.
  • Daily writing is an opportunity to get rid of the mundane unconscious scripts you express in daily life which limit the quality of your writing.
  • Daily writing gets the junk out, clears the cobwebs, and allows one to find jewels in and amongst the litter of thoughts which block creativity.


Need thoughts on how to begin? Check out the Wikihow article at the below.


Happy Writing,

 Jeffrey A. Limpert




 Image Information:

By: tnarik


Updated on 03/10/2012


    • Thanks. Daily practice is an important component of becoming an accomplished writer. There are writers who have become so habituated to their craft that the get nervous when a busy schedule keeps them from writing.

      When I can’t write the things I want I’m still able to practice in emails and posts to other sites.

      – Jeff

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