Building Dreamscapes

Do you often visit the same place when you dream?

Those are what I refer to in the Unfolding Series as dreamscapes. Themes that are adapted from one dream to another, connected by a common thread. These may also be referred to as “dreamworlds.” The shape, structure, and content of the worlds you create are formed by your customs, experiences, and desires. Everything one dreams about starts from within.

Well, almost everything.

In Unfolding: Awakening, Drew describes his dreamscape as a mountain retreat and shares this nighttime world with other characters, interacting with them in a lucid manner. The dreamworld was created by Drew and his sister, Candice, who are so close they are described as almost being the same soul. When Tyler visits Drew’s dream, they are essentially sharing a telepathic connection which enables Tyler to participate within Drew’s dream.

It is possible to build such a place.

Why go to the trouble?

Having a stable platform to work within, allows you more energy and concentration for lucid dreaming. Perhaps, like me, you have enjoyed occasions when you meet with other people. The warning I must give is that these interactions can seem positively real, but may have a more mundane explaination. Always remain open to the possibility that however true your dream appears, it may only be a projection of your inner self. Again I must caution that most of what we dream is the expression of internal mechanisms.

In another post, I will explore the reality of dreams, how to determine if you have visited with others in your dream, or seen something that will happen in the future.

Doing the work

Start a dream journal as suggested in the post Living in your Dream. Keep it up to date and do not share it with people who may ridicule you.

The world is littered with people who have been talked out of pursuing their dreams. Don’t allow yourself to be counted as one of them.
You may experience steady improvement or, like me, go in fits and spurts depending on the influences manifesting in your life.If you live alone on a mountain top with plenty of food and water, your growth may come easy. Down here in the everyday world, that most of us live in with it’s shifting conditions, expect your successes to ebb and flow. Be persistent; you’ll see advances.

Idea“I have an idea . . . “
“A word of caution . . . “
80“A little too radical . . . “
“I like it myself, but . . . “
“We tried something just like that once . . . “
“Let me play devil’s advocate . . . “
“It’s not just us . . . “
“I wish it were that easy . . . “
“Oh it was just an idea . . . “
TRW advertisement

If you choose to develop your personal dreamscapes, be prepared for them to suddenly change. You can go from a glorious hideaway to a mud hut, then to wherever you want to go next just as quickly. How you see your dreamscape will change depending on what’s being manifest in your life. Claiming one’s an awakened soul will not alter that fact. We’re all human and impacted by what’s around us. That’s the basic nature of dreams.

Do your dream work regularly and eventually you’ll create a stable place to begin your nighttime explorations.

Clean out the mental blocks you encounter along your path so you will have the room, freedom, and energy to build. Stress can decrease a person’s cognitive ability. Practice stress relief and habits of thinking that do not create unnecessary stress.

You can build anything. You may even see your dreams expressed in the waking world, but that too is a topic for another time.

Begin using the references below, or some other source you like better. See if you can influence your dream, take control of it, and fly.


Pleasant Dreams,

Jeffrey A. Limpert



 Image information:

By Moyan Brenn


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