“OK – Let’s Say I’m Interested …

“Is it dangerous?”

Define ‘dangerous.’

“Can I be hurt?”

Not usually. Your life will change though. That’s what this is about, right?

 “In what way?”

It depends on what you are looking for.

“I want to read minds, see ghosts and angels, have out-of-body experiences, and meet people when I dream. All of it!”

I don’t know that it’s possible to take in “all of it”. I’ve talked with people who’ve gone further than I have. Those who can retain memories, say it’s pretty strange. In my case, I was told that I ventured so far in one out-of-body experience that I saw more than I could handle, snapped back into my body, and now am limited to brief outings that, more often than not, take place in dreamtime.

What are you willing to give up?

 “Give up?”

Normally when you gain things, you eventually have to leave something else behind otherwise you become too burdened and confused to function.

“I don’t know …. I hadn’t thought about it.  Are you trying talk me out of this?”

No. I want you to think about what might happen. Have a look at the earlier posts, read Unfolding: Awakening, draw a picture, write out a list or a poem, and see what you come up with.

I also don’t want to take responsibility for telling you enough to get you into trouble and have to carry around a lot of bad karma.

 “I wouldn’t blame you for anything!”

It’s not about you. There are forces beyond you and beyond me who might decide differently.

“You’re serious!”


“How can I start?”

Reread the post down to this point, do the things I recommended.

“And then?”



That and meditate. Imagine surrounding yourself with white light as I said in an earlier post.

“What will the white light do?”

It will protect you.

“From what?”

Things you’re not ready for.

(whispers) “I don’t know how to pray.”

Matthew. 6.9-15
Psalm 23
The Great Invocation

“I’m not Christian.”

Doesn’t matter … If there’s something else you’re more comfortable with – go for it.

It’s all good.

 “What if I only meditate?”

I’m just a messenger. You’re tying to negotiate with the wrong entity.

“Will you teach me?”

Sorry, I’m a writer and not holding classes at the moment.

“You’ve got to give me something!”

I did and you’re looking for something else. It’s all in the series, on the blog, in myth, legend, and holy books scattered all over the planet.

“But they contain errors, superstitions, and outdated ideas written for other cultures.”

So does my writing. If the truth could be easily told and accepted, don’t you think we’d all have become enlightened by now?

The truth must be worked for and won. When its given freely, people tend to ignore the message.

There’s a story about a man from Asia who found a book of sacred secrets while passing through an airport. When he discovered what it contained, he burst into tears. He’d spent more than 20 years studying to be given the teachings in small increments and here they were, almost free by comparison, and no one was paying attention to them.

“How did you start?”

I’ve always had an interest in the spirit, the paranormal, and how it all fits together. I experienced a life-changing event in my early 20s, met people who became close friends, and I took a few courses.

“That’s all!?”

That and about 18 years of raising a family, doing my reading, exercises, and dealing with life’s distractions. Sure.

Discipline and diligence will get you to your goal faster. While there are exceptions, it seems to take people until they are in their 40s to grow into their PSI abilities.

“Do you think anyone can have an awakening like you write about?”

I think it’s possible. Though I cannot vouch for them, the people at Open Hand sound like that’s what they are working on. If they are, I wish them well and would choose to visit them in the future.

By the way, it’s possible to be enlightened without the sudden turbulent shifts described in Unfolding:Awakening. In fact, I suspect we are born more awake and are put to sleep as we adopt the rules and beliefs of the societies we are placed in.

I also think a lot of us are here to do other things, so in many instances the awakening – or even the more general and more important state of enlightenment – isn’t in their life’s plan.

“Can you recommend someone as a teacher in my area?”

I’m not involved with the current public teachers. Check out a few of the houses of worship in your area. As much as some of them hate to admit it, there are differences even within the same denomination. Their message and quality will vary, so take your time.

Your heart contains a built in truth detector that’s pretty accurate. Pay attention to it and cross-check with your friends. They may be interested too.

“Thanks this has been quite helpful.”

Thank you for sticking around until we got to the bottom of the post. Most people quit as soon as I said “pray” and we lost a lot more when I gave the Bible references.

“May I ask one more question?”

Sure you’ve earned it.

“What sources did you use?”

Well, as I’ve written elsewhere, I grew up in a Christian environment. Not a bad place to start as long as you’re not on the extreme edges. On top of that, I studied with people who knew of Spiritualism, Asian and Indian beliefs, to name a few.

At the same time, I practiced improving my ESP skills.

When Deepak Chopra’s writings appeared, I immersed myself in his first books and attended a lecture he and Wayne Dyer presented at Lillydale

For meditation I used Shakti Gawain’s tapes and exercises to become proficient at “running energy.”

I found a meditation audio by Shirley MacLaine, which I can’t remember the name of, that was a great help. You might find something here: Shirley’s Corner : Meditations

A Course in Miracles was given to me as a present and this eventually lead to audio books by Marianne Williamson.

Then there were many, many other lectures and meditations I attended or listened to recordings of – and a special place nestled deep in the woods far east of the Mississippi River where miracles could and did happen.

Oh … and remember to have a look at Todd Murphy’s Lectures in Neurotheology. I would liked to have found information this good when I was going through my change.

Immersion is your best practice here.

And of course, there were many friends and family and strangers who offered their help as I worked to advance while remaining true to my commitments and obligations

When possible, do try to avoid becoming too weird in the eyes of your family and friends. We’ll all appreciate it. Look at the other posts on this site, you’ll find help on how to cope during your evolution. Change will come because of your efforts. Depending on where you start and where you are heading, it may be possible to keep strong ties with them.

Would you like that?


Good Night, God Bless (GNGB,)

Jeffrey A. Limpert




Image Information:


By Artnow314


Updated on 05/31/2012

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