The Start of a Writer’s Day I lay awake, feeling rested. My wife sleeping beside me, I allowed my mind
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Have you ever told a lie? Willfully attempted to deceive? In communications with my test readers, I reveal little things
We all dream to some extent. Have you thought about what’s different between being consciously awake and conscious when you
What’s the difference? A plot is a series of related, or causal events which have a starting point (in the
What about after Awakening – What Then? That’s another great question. The subtitle of the documentary video 5 Gateways states,
That’s a good question. There do not appear to be a large number of people who have gone through the
Here is an early version of my work area. Today I sit in a small library located on the second
Before you were born, before you had your first thought, what were you? What Are you? In preparation
In the Unfolding Series characters are placed in positions where they are exposed to new conditions. Conditions challenging the
Would-be photographers are told, “Take lots of pictures.” Art students are sent off to paint images of bowls of
We’re diligently reading through our final draft of the manuscript for Unfolding: Nexus and thought you might like to
I used to be able to drop into an altered state at will – that is until I unintentionally
Has anyone heard this before? I’d love to know who originated the thought. Some time ago a wag said
Borderlands are where the fun is. It’s where the curious conduct their explorations. Adventure can be found along the
Unfolding: Awakening is the first novel in the Unfolding Series. The novel began as a short story to offer
Rebound from a drop of water Please excuse or dust. While we’re putting the site together, click on the book
What’s Real and What’s Imagined?
In the Unfolding Series characters are placed in positions where they are exposed to new conditions. Conditions challenging the
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