“In order to heal the world we have to start telling a different story to ourselves.
We have to start start engaging a different story with others.
It’s our collective story that manifests out the world.”
~ Deepak Chopra in
THRIVE: What on Earth Will It Take?
Deepak Chopra has a small amount of time being interviewed in Thrive. His message is essential and that short time is all it takes to add to the positive ending of the movie, that there is hope. There is a way to change the world and to correct our errors. Our generation may choose to turn the tide.
In addition to Chopra, a great number of other people including but not limited to:
o Vandana Shiva
o Nassim Haramein
o Daniel Sheehan
o Van Jones
o Elisabet Sahtouris
o Barbara Marx Hubbard
o Patrick Flanagan
o Aqeela Sherrills
The movie begins with about 20 minutes of what I see as a positive statement of Foster Gamble’s research findings and interviews. There are a few minutes of application of the findings, free energy and touching on UFOs – again supported with interviews.
The main part of the movie discusses the problems our planet is facing. Thrive’s website offers a Fact Check page on the for interested people.
The last half hour shows us what can be done, what is being done, and what each of us can do. Thousands and millions of individuals working together and independently to be a positive change in the world.
Thrivemovement.com is a full-featured and well thought out website. At the bottom of each page is a slick interface that can be toggled between a “Resource Tree”with a drill-down capability to search for links to specific subjects and a “Sector Navigator” – a transparent torus shaped GUI containing 12 spheres representing the fields of information refereed to in the film. These are:
Here then are the video links. Please have a look at them.
THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? (Official Trailer – 3 min 39 Sec)
“The world is Waking up.”
THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
At the time of this writing people of the country of Malaysia are speaking and organizing to demand free and fair elections from there government. A few weeks ago in the United States people rallied to oppose two pieces of pending legislation, SOPA and the Protect IP Act. These were defeated.
Change is possible.
– Jeffrey A. Limpert
Image Information:
Earth Electromagnetic Field
By Thrive
Sector Navigator
Screen Capture
From thrivemovement.com