Living in your Dream

We all dream to some extent.

Have you thought about what’s different between being consciously awake and conscious when you dream?

What’s the difference?

For most people, dreams are a solitary experience. In the Unfolding Series characters can not only be conscious in their dreams, they can share their dreams with other characters. Have you ever wanted to share a dream?

On Dreaming and “Going There” gave basic information on dreams.

If this interests you, write out your personal thoughts on what you think is the nature of dreams.

Do a little web searching. There are a lot of resources available these days. Begin with what science has discovered.

Start a dream journal. It can be a very simple format. Make notes of what you remember. Over time you will find it becomes easier to recall dreams in greater detail.

Look into historical information and what earlier peoples though of dreams and of dreamtine.

Can you imagine what it would be to live in a culture where people accepted shared dreams as common?

For now – stay away from books on dream interpretation. Write your interpretations unaided for a while. The odds are you’ll do better at basic interpretation working alone than if you try to make sense of dreams using popular books and magazine articles. Save those for later on.

Then see if you can become aware that you are dreaming while you are in the dream state. This may take a little practice. Keep it simple, adding how aware, or conscious, you were during the dream when you make entries into your journal.

After you’ve become able to recall your dreams when in a waking state, you’ll want to think about how you can influence your dreams to either benefit yourself in the waking world, or to give your dreams a direction.


 Jeffrey A. Limpert



Image information:
Strange Dream – by crescentsi (Simon Harris)



  1. Thanks for using my picture in this post and for crediting me. I would rather you let me know if you decide to use one of my pictures, but I have no objection to you using it as long as I am credited as the artist.


    • Simon,
      Thank you for allowing us to use your artwork for our blog post. It seemed fitting based on your title for it. I will post our thanks on your Flickr page.
      The Editor

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