Archive for human potential – Page 3

“It’s not so hard living 400 years”

My friend Matt* swiveled his barstool as the stranger continued, “… you just have to keep finding new friends.” “And

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The Experiments: The Secret of Luck

Have you ever had a day when you felt lucky and you were? Do you know someone who seems to

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Spirituality and the Brain – Lectures in Neurotheology

Here lies the greatest of mysteries: why are people interested in spiritual connections? Is it due to culture, or is

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Building Dreamscapes

Do you often visit the same place when you dream? Those are what I refer to in the Unfolding Series as

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Derren Brown: My Favorite Skeptic

Derren Brown is perhaps my all-time favorite skeptic. He does not come across one of the mean-spirited debunkers who find

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Belief in Reincarnation

How can it be proven? The best evidence I’ve come across is the stories from children who are too young

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Review: The Five Gateways

What about after Awakening – What Then? That’s another great question. The subtitle of the documentary video 5 Gateways states,

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What Happens When a Person “Wakes Up”?

That’s a good question. There do not appear to be a large number of people who have gone through the

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Let’s go back to The Beginning

  Before you were born, before you had your first thought, what were you? What Are you?   In preparation

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